ISM: a community project presented the opening of the first stop of the Sk8ology art show at the ISM: Gallery in Long Beach this past Saturday (8.23.08). The show turns the ubiquitous skate deck, an iconic symbol of counter culture, into a canvas for fine artists.
All the decks have been donated by the artists to benefit Now That You Know, a non-profit focused on offering ambitious girls support and security to further their learning and development.
The show will travel to SD for ASR on September 4th –6th and then make it’s way down to Flordia on September 12-14th for the Surf Expo. Check out all 156 decks over at the auction site. Absentee bids are being accepted online until September 19th @ 7 PM EDT
ISM: gallery at the Koos Art Center
540 East Broadway
Long Beach, CA 90802